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  • Writer's pictureJames Alex

How Curriculum Process Is Vital For Progressive Education?

Updated: Nov 18, 2019

The structure and development of Curriculum are important for every educational system. It helps to set out the educational tasks, plans for the educational process, and provide a way to achieve educational goals.

Every school requires new development skills, knowledge and up-to-date curriculum plan and strategy. Features like, how to achieve goals, teaching method process, learning with the updated educational process, future learning is included.

This is not only a requirement for strengthening education within the schools but also important for better learning opportunities of the students. Therefore, it is essential to select an educational institution that focus more on curriculum process.

For this reason, many local and expatriate parents prefer to enroll their kids in eminent international institutions including the American curriculum schools in Dubai. It is because such schools help skill development among the students through improved learning environment.

Progressive Education

Process of Curriculum Development

Students and teachers, both are learners, no matter what in one way or another way, both are learning from each other. During the learning process, knowledge is developed based on the needs of students and experiences of the teachers.

So, interaction with students is important. With the guidance of a teacher, a knowledgeable course can be re-designed with the needs of the students.

Teaching environment also matters between teachers and students

The structure of the American curriculum schools is design for the development of their students learning experiences. The Curriculum strategy provides students with clear guidelines on what they are learning and how they will be assessed.

It involves a range of teaching strategies to meet different learning needs. There are some external factors and internal factors included in the Curriculum.

The external factors are

  • Changes in Cultural and social expectation

  • Relationships and values between adults and children

  • The educational system requires, e.g. policy statements, assessment procedures

  • Supportive systems

Internal factors are

  • Students’ abilities and educational needs

  • Teachers values, attitudes, skills, knowledge, experience, particular strengths and weaknesses, roles

  • School structures and decision-making structure,

  • School community

The Role of Curriculum Improvement in Effective Learning

Nevertheless, the purpose of education is to deliver skills that are required by the learners to become a progressive member of the society. It is therefore essential that curriculum should be improved to meet future needs of the students.

In this regard, modern educational institutions focus on teaching methods and improved learning strategies in order to enhance the effectiveness of education.

Let’s consider the impact of improved curriculum process on different stakeholders in the education.

Impacts of Improved Curriculum on Administrators

The administration is an essential department of any educational institute. They follow a detailed curriculum and ensure that each school is providing relevant material. The administration is also responsible for monitoring the progress of every single student from all types of backgrounds.

Impact of Improved Curriculum on Students and Teachers

A curriculum outline is necessary for students because a sequence of courses must be completed to master a subject and get a degree for the bright future.

A school’s curriculum helps teachers what skills and teaching method must be taught at each grade. It is vital for teachers understanding. Owing to this very reason, people living in UAE prefer to enroll their kids in American Curriculum schools for improved learning.

The purpose of a curriculum to ensure the students that they are on the right track to reaching their desired goals. Already pre-planned Curriculum helps to motivate students to achieve their success.


Summing up, it is a well-understood fact that education is aimed at promoting teaching and learning structure within a classroom and or school environment because, at every step, learning experiences connect with knowledge and skills that’s why Curriculum has an important responsibility.

Every student can achieve a high-level goal with an excellent teaching method, knowledge, and the right support of supportive teachers. Promoting excellent support of teachers to all students can develop a deep understanding of knowledge, culture, and relationship between the teachers and students.


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