"Confidence is contagious! Catch it. Spread it." ~ Anonymous
It is that on skill which makes learning effective. Do you know that confident learners try to speak and participate more in the classes? It is not about saying and knowing everything, but it is more about attitude students have during their learning process.
Confidence is an essential skill for the student because it not only makes the learning process fast but also helps them socialize and better self-esteem. Students who lack confidence often are shy, do not like public appearances, won’t attempt something new.

Being a teacher, it is your job to instill confidence in your students for better learning. Students of American curriculum schools in Sharjah find it easy to be active and have social skills because their teachers charge their level of confidence every now and then.
Here are some guaranteed ways to boost the confidence level among students.
Give them opportunities for speaking:
Students often fear public speaking so come up with some activities in which they have to speak in front of the class. It is going to be difficult for them at the start, but it will surely raise their level of confidence.
Be mindful of avoiding too many corrections while they are speaking because then they will be reluctant to speak. What you can do is give them feedback after they are done talking. Start with positive feedback and then point out the negatives.
Praise them:
A bit of praise every now and then do no harm. After every speaking and interactive activity you can say words like a good job, keep up the good work and job well-done. These phrases are a mood booster and after that few mistakes will not bring the morale down.
Praising them in public will increase their self-confidence, and at times little praise will increase the positivity in the learning process. Believe me; this is a sure-fire way to boost the confidence in students.
Avoid rigidity in assessment:
Okay not everyone can score high on tests and some students do not perform well under pressure. This means you need to give them a number of chances to succeed in class. There are a number of different ways you can opt for assessment such as class participation, class presentation and take-home assignments. The rigid behavior will lower their confidence, and they will be stubborn in the learning process.
Goal oriented learning:
Often classroom learning is about providing the information and finishing up course content. This can not only put you in a hurry but also become a difficult situation for students. Thus keeping that mind, you need to make the learning as a priority in education. Goal-Oriented learning is going to take you far and make your classroom more active.

Concluding remarks:
Confidence is the best attire students can have. Students are in the learning phase, and you have that magic wand to boost their confidence smartly. Just tweaking around the concept of education and learning will help you do that. Proficient teachers at American curriculum schools in Sharjah devise the type of activities in the classroom which boost the confidence in a guaranteed way.